Tuesday, October 27, 2009

You Just Can't Explain Why You're Smiling, Can't You?

(I know Ma'am will forgive me for breaking some formalities :D)


For one sick ironic twist, it feels quite fulfilling. So common a thing, yet we can't say what it really was. You have never truly lived if you haven't been happy for once. You know what makes you happy; that's good and all, but do you know WHY it makes you happy?

When people ask you, "what is happiness?", you merely reply, "Happiness is when you..." Nope, people. That's called an EXAMPLE. What we need is a DEFINITION, which is a long shot from example. Kinda like, if you asked me what is a monkey, I'm not gonna say Robert Pattinson (really? I wouldn't?) If you asked me what is an idiot, I won't say (though I must admit, most probably, I would) Kanye West.

Now, long story short. You can't measure happiness. Happiness cannot be boxed. It cannot be defined. It can only be experienced. Felt. Shared.


Oh, what the heck, I just spoke bullshit. In truth, I just can't define happiness yet. :D

Finding things that prevent me from becoming one Sad Panda are not that hard to come by. It's quite easy to make me happy. Maybe that's why I find it so hard to define happiness: so many things make me happy, I find it hard to pinpoint on one specific thing.

And to think that I can make a lot of people laugh. That's got to account for something, right? Umm, no, I still don't know what happiness is. :P

Is this the end to my sad, sad composition? I can't even say what happiness is... :((

I'm not happy right now because I can't finish this blog. Because I haven't taken a bath yet. Because I'm too tired to pull my eyelids up. I'm not happy because we might not have a TV for the class night tommorow.

And I'm especially not happy because Mrs. De Peralta is leaving us tommorow (SUPER UBER MEGA BV NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS PART [just to emphasize what I said]). I know what happiness is not. Isn't that enough?

Happiness is not defined by what it's not, I know. It's easier to say what makes you happy rather than what is happiness. But really, why can't we say what happiness is?

Why can't we say what makes us smile while licking an ice cream cone? Smile while we get a 50/50 in a test (though I'd be worried if that comes out of a urine test)? Smile when she tells us "Yes"? Smile when we see others smile? Aren't we supposed to know WHY?


Guess not. And guess what, maybe He doesn't want us to know.

Maybe we have to get to Him to know what happiness really is.

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