Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happiness For Me

When asked what happiness is for me, I honestly could not think of an answer for a good 12 hours. So, since I'm just going to frustrate myself if I keep on thinking of "perfect" answers, I'll just put it simply. Happiness for me is eating pizza in an air-conditioned room, drinking soda, and playing videogames all at the same time. Well, that's one of the things that can make me happy.
Anyway, it might sound shallow but I really just feel at peace when I do that. Killing zombies with my wonderfully cute plants in one hand and then eating pizza with the other, and drinking coke, while bathing myself under the cool air of the AC. This might seem selfish but, it's happiness for me right?
The only thing that would make that better if I was doing all that with my friends. They enhance the experience by a multiple of infinity. Why? You get to share your experiences with your friends and I guess this holds true for everybody since we're all relational beings.


1 comment:

  1. Happiness for me is eating pizza in an air-conditioned room, drinking soda, and playing videogames all at the same time.

    I LIKE. =))
